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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Hapland System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-08-15 12:33:41 Views : 26695 Gametip Open both windows and turn the arrow sign. Open the hatch and make the stick man pop out. Fire the first rock at bridge. Fire the second rock at bell. Fire both grenades at the bridge, and as it hovers over bridge, click on it. This will make the grenades pop into the air and explode. Fire the keycard at the bridge to make the stick man underneath open the door. Put the man into the cannon by clicking on him again and make another man pop out of the hatch. Have him fire the man in cannon up under the bell, but you must click on the spear to bend it slightly so that the stick man wont get speared. Click on the man under the bell to move the bell tower. Click the bell a few times to drop on spear, flinging rock onto mine blowing it up. Then, click on the door to make a man come out. He will walk past where the mine blew up. Just as he is about to enter the door, click on the man on the bottom. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Hapland cheat codes.
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